COVID-19 Testing for CUIMC Students
Updated March 22, 2024
Student Health on Haven only offers diagnostic COVID-19 testing for students experiencing symptoms. See below for more information on at-home tests.
Types of Testing Available to CUIMC Students
Diagnostic Testing (Symptomatic Students)
COVID-19 Testing at CUIMC Student Health on Haven
CUIMC students who are symptomatic may use an FDA-authorized at-home test or schedule a telehealth appointment with Medical Services through the Student Health Portal. See below for important information on what to expect following the appointment.
Awaiting Your Results:
- All students who present with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 will be given a rapid PCR test. After your results are available, a medical provider will notify you about when you can end isolation. You must continue to isolate until your results are reviewed by Medical Services.
- Your rapid PCR test results should be available by 7 p.m. on the evening the test was completed.
Accessing Your Results:
- You will be notified of your test results either by secure message via the Student Health Portal or by phone. Please be sure to check your secure messages in the Student Health Portal to view your results.
- If you test positive, we will provide you with instructions for isolation. Learn more about how to isolate safely.
Off-Site Testing
Testing is available in New York City and the metropolitan area; however, you should consider that the results may not be immediately available in certain locations. Students having difficulty obtaining a test should contact Student Health by calling 212-305-3400 for assistance.
At-Home COVID-19 Testing
Ensure that the at-home COVID test you received is FDA-authorized by checking the guidelines for Counterfeit At-Home OTC COVID Tests.
When to Use At-Home Tests:
- If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, take a test immediately.
- If you are asymptomatic AND are a close contact of a known or probable COVID-19 case, take a test no sooner than 5-7 days after your last exposure.
- If you are participating in an activity with high risk of virus transmission, take a test 24-48 hours prior and 3-5 days after the activity.
To use the self-test effectively, make sure you follow the instructions exactly; perform the steps in the order that they are listed, and read the result at the specified time interval. The manufacturer may also provide quick reference guides or instructional videos to help you perform the test correctly. Antigen testing does not definitively rule out the possibility of COVID-19 infection; read more about the FDA recommendations for serial antigen testing to improve test accuracy.
Additional Testing Considerations
Supplemental Testing After Higher Risk Activity
Regardless of your vaccination or booster status, supplemental testing is recommended 5 to 7 days after you participated in activities that may be associated with a higher risk of COVID-19 transmission:
- A large indoor gathering where masks were not worn the entire time.
- You are uncertain of the vaccination status of all the attendees at a gathering.
- You were at a very large and crowded outdoor gathering, especially if attendees were not masked.
Students who are asymptomatic can schedule an appointment at any off-campus testing site. Read more about diagnostic testing for CUIMC students who are symptomatic.
- A large indoor gathering where masks were not worn the entire time.
- You are uncertain of the vaccination status of all the attendees at a gathering.
- You were at a very large and crowded outdoor gathering, especially if attendees were not masked.
Students who are asymptomatic can schedule an appointment at any off-campus testing site or take advantage of at-home testing kits. Read more about diagnostic testing for CUIMC students who are symptomatic.
Testing After A Recent Exposure
For all close contacts, regardless of vaccination or booster status, testing is recommended on days 5-7 after exposure. Read more about close contacts.
- Students who are symptomatic and concerned about exposure should immediately isolate and use an FDA-authorized at-home test, or schedule a telehealth appointment with Medical Services through the Student Health Portal.
- Students who are asymptomatic can schedule an appointment at any off-campus testing site or use an FDA-authorized at-home test.
If you test positive, you should isolate immediately for 5 days, with day 0 being the day of your positive test. Read more about how to isolate safely.
Extended Expiration Dates for At-Home OTC COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has updated its online information to help consumers find the current expiration date for any FDA authorized at-home OTC COVID-19 diagnostic test. Visit the FDA website for additional information about your At-Home OTC COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests. Questions? Email: