Medication Abortion

Medication Abortion is a method which uses medication to induce the termination of pregnancy.

The appropriate pregnancy termination method depends on the number of weeks you have been pregnant, existing medical conditions, etc.



What happens during a medical abortion

During the in-person visit at Medical Services, your provider will give you a dose of mifepristone, which is the drug that starts the pregnancy termination process. They will discuss what to expect and give you the follow-up medication, misoprostol, which you must ingest at a specific time.

Your provider will give you aftercare materials that include:

  1. Explicit instructions about how and when to take the misoprostol
  2. Important reminders about self-care, managing side effects, and getting help when needed
  3. Information about the medications

They will also schedule your virtual follow-up visit for one week after the in-person visit.



Students who have (1) been screened as being clinically appropriate to proceed and (2) paid the full-time Columbia Health and Related Services fee can access this service at no additional cost.

How to Schedule

Appointments can be scheduled online on the Student Health Portal or by calling 212-305-3400, option 1, during our normal hours of operation. Visit our Appointments and Services page for more information about scheduling.

When making an appointment via the portal, students can select either “pregnancy options counseling” or “medication abortion” as their appointment type. 


Schedule a sexual and reproductive health visit on the Student Health Portal or by calling 212-305-3400, option 1, during our normal hours of operation.