Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation is a practice of concentrated focus on a sound, object, visualization, the breath, movement, or attention itself in order to increase awareness of the present moment, promote relaxation, and enhance person and spiritual growth.
Research on mindfulness continues to evolve and a look at the state of science from Greater Good at Berkeley shows:
- Meditation almost certainly sharpens your attention.
- Long-term, consistent meditation seems to increase resiliency to stress.
- Meditation appears to increase compassion and make our compassion more effective.
Guided Meditation Schedule
Well-Being and Health Promotion offers weekly meditations for CUIMC students to practice in community from anywhere via Zoom. All levels of experience welcome! To receive communications about mindfulness meditation throughout the semester, take a moment to join our Mindfulness Meditation mailing list. You may unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time.
Community Resources
- Kadampa Meditation Center
- Milstein Hospital Meditation: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays | 12:30-1:00pm | 5th Floor Chapel
- Psychiatric Institute Meditation: Tuesdays | 12:30-1:00pm | 1st Floor Room 1200 NYSPI
- Soundbath Meditation: Tuesdays | 12:45pm–1:15pm | MSCH/Pauline A. Hartford Memorial Chapel, Presbyterian Hospital First Floor
Learn More About Mindfulness Meditation
Guided Meditations
The following lists a variety of free online guided meditations to try wherever you are as you continue or start your meditation practice.
- Daily Calm: 10-Minute Mindfulness Meditation
- Headspace: 1-Minute Guided Meditation
- Goodful: 5-Minute Meditation
- Lavendaire: 20-Minute Meditation
- Living Better: 15-Minute Body Scan
- Charisse Christine: 10-Minute Sound Bath Meditation
- Mindful: 3-Minute Meditation Body Scan
- Galen Hooks: 4-Minute Movement Meditation
- Mindful Peace: 6-Minute Midday Recharge
- Artfully, Mindfully: 10-Minute Creative Drawing Meditation
Mobile Apps for Meditating
Books About Meditation
- Mindfulness for Beginners (Jon Kabat-Zinn)
- Meditation for Beginners (Jack Kornfield)
- Zen Mind Beginner’s Mind (Shunryu Suzuki)
- Real Happiness – The Power of Meditation (Sharon Salzberg)
- Zen Meditation in Plain English (John Daishin Buksbazen)